Saturday, 31 August 2013

August 2013 - The Diary

Back to BBC London for a couple of really exciting auditions early August, before the terrible waiting game of waiting to hear if you had landed 'the big one'. I usually give it a week, then assume it's a no. In this case I was correct unfortunately! But good contacts made & delighted with the chance to try out for big tv shows, so all pretty positive. Pleased to make the cover of ONE YEAR LATER which has

gone down really well at various film festivals over the summer! So am now hitting the gym hard every day to get into 'Game Of Thrones' shape in the hope of getting seen for OUTLANDER, which promises to be the biggest thing shot in Scotland since Braveheart/Rob Roy and Trainspotting in the 90s. I have been devouring the novels recently. Episode 1 is based on Cross-Stitch, which I have reviewed on my 'Reading List' page. Stirring stuff!

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Get Shirty

My writing and directorial debut was filmed in July 2013 as part of the Virgin Media Shorts scheme.

I was lucky enough to inherit a stellar cast of young Scottish talent to appear and a tightly-organized crew who thrive under pressure and work really well collaboratively.

Ryhs Williams and Mark Wood,along with Nico McKeown were superb in this twisted little comedy.

Shot this one in 6 1/2 hours and many thanks to Blackfriars Bar and to Sharon for allowing us to use their properties for the world of GET SHIRTY. A second project for Thistlewood Film Studios. Huge thanks to Fraser Coull and the crew at Silly Wee Films for their help and support and thrilled to have my directorial debut!