Monday, 21 October 2013

Pro - Celebrity Football

Football has always been a huge part of my life and I am loving being back playing in my 40s for the Scotland Writers FC and have taken part in numerous pro-celeb matches during my career. Most memorable include a Dukla Pumpherston v High Road Select XI at Almondvale Stadium many years ago, in which I scored against my old hero Alan Rough! In 2008 I was invited to play in goals for a Scotland XI v England XI as a curtain raiser to the U-16 international at Wembley Stadium!
We were managed by Peter Mullen and beat Sir David Frost's Anglo side 2-0 with superb goals from Darren Jackson and Martin Compson. Here's the lads just before kick-off..and before 25000 fans arrived. Thanks to Joe Miller for adding me to the squad...We are the first Scotland team to win at the new Wembley!!
In 2012 writers Alan Wilson and Doug Johnstone started an international team to represent Scottish writing talent and I was honoured to join them, once again in goals! We beat the England Writers FC 4-2 on the anniversary of the first ever international and played at Hamilton Crescent, Partick, site of the ancient battle, to lift the inaugural Hamilton Crescent Cup. This was subsequently lost in January in a murderous 0-5 drubbing at The Somme,Chelsea...!
In October 2013 we were the guests of the Austria Writers FC in Vienna and in an epic match defeated them 3-1 and had an absolute ball in this great city. We look forward to the Scottish return matches against Sweden, England & Austria in 2014. I was mercifully replaced in goals, but still managed to give away a (soft) penalty...!

September 2013 - The Diary

Busy month this! More tv castings and then a welcome meeting with Attune Theatre and a part in THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, an old favourite of mine. This time I am playing The Duke and delighted to get back onstage for the first time in 6 years! We also half completed RUN, another excellent supernatural short film penned by Mark Harvey & Fraser Coull. We aim to complete this in November.