Saturday, 3 June 2017

May 2017 - The Diary

Kicked off this month and with a fab RPM gig in Newcastle at The Soho Rooms and always enjoy these nights in the North East and great to be back in 'pirate mode' once again, for the third year running. Then back to Glasgow and a start on a new writing project, followed by more 'pirate' gigs in Glasgow clubs, The Garage,Shimmy & a brilliant night at The Cathouse with a fab crowd & staff.

Also this month I had some rather exciting auditions and recalls for feature films shooting in Scotland later this year and thanks to Mark Barrett for helping out on camera duties & reading in! Much appreciated.

Great to have my old Kidnapped cast mate Stewart McCheyne to stay as well and much fun had at the T2 TRAINSPOTTING night at The Garage, Glasgow and reunited with some of the props from the film. (Photo below)

Filmed the final episode of web series 1 of COPS & MONSTERS with the usual gang and another fun shoot in Govan, playing Chief Norris Fletcher once again. (Photo below by Sonja Blietschau) Followed by more RPM pirate gigs in Glasgow AXM Club and Coatbridge's HUSH Niteclub, which

were again very well received! A busy & positive month and great fun playing the 'pirate captain' once more, my third year running!