Wednesday, 1 July 2020

June 2020 - The Diary

A few quite exciting auditions this month, but again all have projected later start dates as this Pandemic continues into another month, however there has been a marked increase in castings these past four weeks. The photo below represents the 'new normal' of rehearsals and auditions at present

via Zoom and Skype, but at least it is beginning to pay off! Lucky enough to have landed another nasty bastard role in short film THE CASTLES OF BEACHCOMBE BAY this month and headed down to a sunny and beautiful Bristol to shoot my scenes at the brilliant green screen studios at 

Vision Eyelight in Portishead. Huge thanks to Director Kate Robinson and Writer Steff Clark for casting me and for a superb, safe and considerate shoot and a lovely apartment to stay in as well! Absolute pleasure working with these talented folk and a lovely cast, even if most of it was all

completely virtual! A superb experience and hopefully we will all get together again in the future to shoot a feature film version of the scenes we just shot. Kate has worked with the likes of Clint Eastwood, Bernardo Bertolucci, Steven Spielberg and Stanley Kubrick (The Shining) so we were

in great hands and this was a fascinating and very satisfying shoot and the first actual film set I have been on in months. Drove back to Glasgow and shot some more scenes for AJ Sykes PROJECT 19 which is really beginning to come together and has a possible distribution deal in the pipeline.

Loved being back in Bristol once again and to be back in front of camera on another super indie project. But with the film industry now closed for 15 weeks we are still a long way from things returning to any 'normality' soon.

Sunday, 7 June 2020

May 2020 - The Diary

We are into a 3rd month of the lockdown now and still no real signs of improvement and so have managed to keep active on my film project and working on another couple of voice over projects, having now set up a mini home studio! And with the cancellation of my other screen projects I

have decided on another radically different 'look' for the time being...surely a shoe-in for casting of a Billy Idol stage show? Still managed to squeeze in a few auditions this month and landed a short film trailer shoot with great people. Shooting this next month (hopefully) in Bristol. But with over 40,000

deaths in Britain due to Coronavirus, there are far more important things to worry about. Our industry will return one day and already some television series have restarted limited filming, but until a vaccine is found & becomes freely available, personally I cannot see any return to the way things were for a very long time. Stay safe everyone x

Thursday, 14 May 2020

April 2020 - The Diary

As expected, all of the productions I was earmarked for last month have now been either cancelled or postponed. Realistically it is difficult to see any return to work as an Actor for the forseeable. Until a vaccine is found there is no safe way of working in tv or film. Theatre is impossible. There was some

hope however! We recorded some scenes via Zoom, for the play HER FATHER'S VOICE which I have been working on for the last 18months as part of the Research & Development process. Been pretty productive during this enforced solitude and the magic of technology enabled us to tape

another few episodes of SHOOT!THE BREEZE with another fab guest Ally Begg, chatting all things Aberdeen FC related. Great fun and again this episode will air later in the month. Was lucky to be cast in a rather interesting Feature Film project and began shooting bits and bobs of that this month!

As promised, here's the link to last month's football podcast with the legend that is Andy Cameron
at We will post up the next episode I recorded with Ally Begg in next month's blog. The auditions have all but

dried up now and despite the lockdown I am keeping up my training and maintaining fitness, catching up on my accounts and trying to stay relaxed and positive that things one day will be back to some sort of normality. Until then, stay indoors and stay safe folks x

March 2020 - The Diary

March started off just as brightly with a glut of self tapes and auditions to keep me busy, and again it was back into the old motor to zoom up and down to Londinium for more face-to-face castings for some excellent projects. Exhausting, but Glasgow-Edinburgh-London-Manchester- Glasgow in 24 hours was the highlight!

Here's a wee preview of the self tapes recorded and the palpable exhaustion in my face after another 1000 mile round trip!

Spent more time on the motorway this month than ever and hopefully it will all pay off ?? Some really exciting auditions and am again beginning to book in work for this summer which is already looking every bit as good as last year.

Home for more tapes and then...back on the motorway yet again! Confirmation of a feature film in July and delighted to have landed another cracking wee cameo in another. Booked a commercial in London and travelled down to Enfield in North London to shoot it, this time staying overnight in a

the local Travelodge and arrived in cold and wet conditions just as talk of the Coronavirus hitting Britain began with worrying figures. Another good fun shoot with a brilliant crew for the latest
LEGAL & GENERAL ad in another excellent location (pictured below).

However this was to represent the last acting job of the current period. Only a few days later the whole industry was shut down, and remains in lockdown as I write. There was just time to reunite with my old sparring partner from the HIGH ROAD days, Andy Cameron, as we recorded a fun

episode of our Shoot! The Breeze football podcast. As expected, Andy was in great form and was such fun catching up and chatting about the old days and of course, all things football. The episode
will be out next month and I will post a link when it airs. And so, what was a very positive month

ended in these awful and unforseen circumstances. But it all pales into insignificance as the death toll began to rise in the UK this month and thoughts and prayers to all of those affected and to the brave NHS staff who are fighting the virus every day x

February 2020 - The Diary

Lots of travel this month, starting off with a return to Birmingham for COLOPLAST UK live gig with the usual fab group of actors (pictured below), followed by another roleplay in fantastic Dublin the following week..! Great chance to meet up with long lost family in Ireland and a fab job once

again. Finally got to spend time with our fellow family historian, cousin Ite Wall (below) in Stoneybatter, where our ancestors lived in the 19th Century. Wild and wintry conditions and a bumpy flight back but straight into the car and back on the road to London to shoot a Corporate Video with

another superb cast and a brilliant location at The Belt Craft Studios in  Seven Sisters. Long but really fun and enjoyable day shooting this video for The Royal Society Of Chemistry and a great laugh with the crew and this cast below!

Landed a few more corporate gigs for next month and back on the road to Scotland immediately after I wrapped to record more urgent self-tapes and again, thanks to my agent IAM for keeping me busy!

Tapes submitted and back on my travels and another gig in Birmingham with COLOPLAST UK and greeted by this fab artwork in the rather snazzy Malmaison Hotel where we were staying and working the next day. Beautiful hotel and another fabbo live gig with the usual gang.

So a nice and busy month, with lots of work and travel and heaps of auditions and already an offer or two to mull over the next few days!

Sunday, 2 February 2020

January 2020 - The Diary

Kicked off 2020 with another Podcast recording of SHOOT!THE BREEZE in Clydebank with author Adam McNelis (pictured below) Tom Brogan and Andy Smith and an excellent episode which aired this month. Then it was down to Gourock to record some voice overs with the lads from Tall Tales 

Films, with whom I worked on THE BENNY LYNCH STORY and HATCHES,MATCHES & DISPATCHES over the last two years (photo below courtesy of Andy at Tall Tales) and great to work with these talented chaps once again in their rather magnificent studios & office! Then back to 

Transmission Studios and another excellent, very funny Podcast with our guest, ex-Clydebank player Alan Jack (below) and the usual gang and already building up a wee following for this excellent show, in which we discuss vintage football magazines with our guests and we have lots more booked in for this year.

Back on the audition trail again this month and delighted to play a couple of wee cameo roles in Owen Gower's Short Film BURN ON ARRIVAL filming in beautiful Glencoe mid January.Great fun shoot with these lads below, and nice catching up with Owen and Mark Lacey, with whom I did the

short BLANK with many years ago! This is a dark thriller with an amazing Cast and crew and shot beautifully and a pleasure to have been a part of. Lovely catching up with the excellent James

Harkness again (below) since we last worked together on IN PLAIN SIGHT a few years ago. Nice way to kick off 2020 and a great experience working up in The Highlands once more, one of my favourite places in the world. A good, fun month and booked some more work in for February!!

Friday, 3 January 2020

December 2019 - The Diary

Delighted to sign on again with my fab agent IAM and looking forward to a second exciting year with these guys. Lots of meetings for projects for 2020 with Cathkin Park Limited and a wee announcement coming soon. Delighted to get the call to step in as the Dame in Glasgow Art's

touring pantomime of Beauty & The Beast, due to illness and suddenly found myself on stage at Possilpoint Community Centre! A fab show and a lovely cast to work with as I performed 2 shows here and another 2 at Barmulloch Community Centre the following day! Lovely teaming up with

Storm Skyler McClure and Elaine Ellis once again (photo below) and huge thanks to Mari Binnie at Glasgow Life for asking me to play Dame Betty Blumenthal. Twas a joy! Utterly terrifying but also

a thrill once again to be the show, which I then bowed out of the following week as the tour continued and delighted to have been able to help out in this my third touring panto and loved being a wee part of it all once again. Thanks also to Catherine Barthram for digging out my old panto boots from 2018

tour of SLEEPING BEAUTY, much appreciated! Back to Clydebank after panto to start recording our new podcast SHOOT ! THE BREEZE with Tom Brogan, Andy Smith and our guest author Steven Murray (Ten Men Won The League) which was great fun and already looking forward to

the next one in January. Thanks to Diane at Transmission Studios for hosting the show and we have more great guests lined up for 2020. Just time to squeeze in another great day at the Number 7

lounge at Celtic Park for the Aberdeen game with this fine bunch below, with legend Danny McGrain! And a nice end to a busy and successful year. Huge thanks once again to my agent

for keeping me very busy in 2019 and to all the casts and crew I worked with this year...Happy new year to you all x