Sunday, 7 June 2020

May 2020 - The Diary

We are into a 3rd month of the lockdown now and still no real signs of improvement and so have managed to keep active on my film project and working on another couple of voice over projects, having now set up a mini home studio! And with the cancellation of my other screen projects I

have decided on another radically different 'look' for the time being...surely a shoe-in for casting of a Billy Idol stage show? Still managed to squeeze in a few auditions this month and landed a short film trailer shoot with great people. Shooting this next month (hopefully) in Bristol. But with over 40,000

deaths in Britain due to Coronavirus, there are far more important things to worry about. Our industry will return one day and already some television series have restarted limited filming, but until a vaccine is found & becomes freely available, personally I cannot see any return to the way things were for a very long time. Stay safe everyone x