via Zoom and Skype, but at least it is beginning to pay off! Lucky enough to have landed another nasty bastard role in short film THE CASTLES OF BEACHCOMBE BAY this month and headed down to a sunny and beautiful Bristol to shoot my scenes at the brilliant green screen studios at
Vision Eyelight in Portishead. Huge thanks to Director Kate Robinson and Writer Steff Clark for casting me and for a superb, safe and considerate shoot and a lovely apartment to stay in as well! Absolute pleasure working with these talented folk and a lovely cast, even if most of it was all
in great hands and this was a fascinating and very satisfying shoot and the first actual film set I have been on in months. Drove back to Glasgow and shot some more scenes for AJ Sykes PROJECT 19 which is really beginning to come together and has a possible distribution deal in the pipeline.
Loved being back in Bristol once again and to be back in front of camera on another super indie project. But with the film industry now closed for 15 weeks we are still a long way from things returning to any 'normality' soon.