As with last month, we kicked off August with more roleplay gigs with the Medical School at Glasgow University and with NHS Lanarkshire and again throughout the month and really enjoyed the various different scenarios and the research one has to do beforehand to give convincing case studies for students.
This month saw the repeat on Sky Arts of the brilliant PATRICK MELROSE, featuring an amazing performance from Benedict Cumberbatch and again, a delight to work with on this epic series, directed by the fab Edward Berger of All Quiet On The Western Front fame. I played Angus Broglie in this fab series
Next up was a great night out at the opening of Sam's Bar at The Barrowlands Ballroom, pictured above with my fellow traders and old pal Gavin Mitchell. A great night and delighted to be asked along. The following day it was back to Edinburgh for the EIFF screening of the brilliant CHOOSE IRVINE WELSH
old and new and to celebrate the career of this generation's greatest writer. A brilliant night and huge congratulations to Jack Pepper Media for making a superb and fascinating documentary film, which