Sunday, 29 May 2016

Latest Film News...

Just thought I'd update you on the film projects I have worked on this past 12 months, starting with Gary Hewitt's CLEEK. The first edit of this feature is now complete and will be due out later this year. From the rough cut I saw it is looking and sounding really good and features a great central performance from me olde pal, Mark Barrett as 'Jacob'.

Graham Drysdale's Feature Film WIGILIA is also going through the last stages of an edit and should also be ready for release late 2016. THE BOLANDER GREEN SOCIETY, directed by Andy Sherlow was screened this month in Glasgow and now is prepped and ready to tour the film festivals around the world.

Short Film FANATIC directed by Luke Aherne will be screened at SERIESFEST in Denver from June 22-26th 2016 and again will be hitting the festival circuit, with a view to producing more episodes in the future.

Luke's next film, MIRIAM is currently being edited as is Vito Milazzo's short BIG JOE and both will be released this year. The pilot episode of EDINBURGH BLUE is currently still filming in Edinburgh and be going to interested broadcasters later this summer.

Douglas Sannachan, pictured above, is finalising the last shoot days on his debut feature film STARCACHE and I am looking forward to doing my final scenes on this brilliant and clever picture later in July. The first rough cut is already assembled and Dougie is delighted with it so far!

Principal photography is also now completed on Simon Baker's second feature, 90 MINUTES and is being crafted together at the moment, but may require some more pick-up scenes later in the year. The film is due out in March 2017.

So, in summary, including another feature I am currently working on, I have a full slate of 10 feature and short films due to be released in the next year and delighted that you will get to finally see the fruits of my labours over the past year! Will keep you posted on all future developments on this blog...

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