Tuesday, 15 November 2022

July 2022 - The Diary

 Another flurry of self-tapes this month and then into rehearsals for Irvine Welsh's PORNO at the Vivace Studios in Sauchiehall Street with our cast of Kevin Murphy, Chris Gavin, Lynette Beaton, Scott Kyle and myself as we worked the script down to 50 minutes for the Fringe run, with ticket sales already going

well and lots of excellent press coverage thanks to George Mair of Saltire News, including a lovely piece in the Sunday Mail. We had a brilliant photo shoot in Greenock in July and shot the new show poster as

well! Hard work but will all be worthwhile when we open this brand new show next month in Edinburgh. Also in early July Davie Carswell's THE TOMMY BURNS STORY opened in The King's Theatre in Glasgow and I was delighted to be a Producer on this amazing, atmospheric and completely sold out run

and great catching up with the cast and lots of old pals at the show, which will hopefully return to this stunning venue next year. Also caught up with former Aberdeen & Celtic's Joe Miller this month in Glasgow and hopefully we have a wee project together for 2023 in the pipeline. 

Managed to squeeze in some more Roleplay work this month with The Wheatley Group and then back into rehearsals and some more press interviews and publicity work for PORNO. The article below is

courtesy of The Sunday Mail. Then it was back to London for another excellent Coloplast UK live event but travel chaos as trains were cancelled and rediverted and was even worse on the way back home, in which I had to abandon the train and get to Stanstead Airport and catch the last flight to Glasgow. 

Rehearsals continued apace all July and was doing more Wheatley roleplay gigs during the days in between and a mad busy but exciting and fun month! We were invited on to A State Of Mind's live
event in the St James Shopping Arcade in Edinburgh on our last week of rehearsals and great to be

a part of it and really enjoyed chatting with Paul John Dykes about all things Irvine Welsh, along with the Writer Davie Carswell and our 'Renton' played by Scott Kyle. The event in a pop-up shop was a great
success and lovely catching up with Paul again, having appeared on his other ACSOM podcasts a few

times previously! You can watch a clip of our chat here: A STATE OF MIND Irvine Welsh's PORNO and huge thanks to all involved for having us along. Finally got another offer for a film job and fingers crossed I can somehow fit it in over the next 4 week! A brilliant month and really looking forward to August!

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