Tuesday, 4 February 2025

October 2024 - The Diary

 Back from holidays and straight into roleplay work with Wheatley and Glasgow University Medical School, to kick off a busy month ahead. Then it was back to London for more recalls and auditions but alas no joy! Very nice to be back 'in the room' again however as the industry has changed to self-recorded tapes for most auditions, so was great to be directed & to meet the various CD's and Producers this time.

Back to Glasgow and another day's filming and finally wrapped on RHINOMAN short film as McFadjin. Great fun working with my old pal, Director & Actor Douglas Sannachan again (see below photo) and another funny, mad scene to shoot! THERE MUST BE SOME WAY OUT OF HERE, which we lastly

shot in Edinburgh last month has moved into the edit and a few more fan BTS photos were released this month. Really looking forward to seeing the end result! Another project I worked on some time ago has

now hit the festival circuit. REDEVELOPING HOPE, in which I play New Yorker Mitch was screened this month at The Hague Film Festival and in New York to some acclaim and delighted to see it now out.

Another trip to London at the end of October to meet with agents and am very happy to announce that I will now be represented for all work by the lovely Nancy Hudson Associates. For all enquiries please now

contact: agents@nancyhudsonassociates.com Booked more film work and roleplays for next month to complete a successful enough month, despite the disappointment of NOT landing a few great roles!

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